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First off, thanks for stopping by MindMarination! Whether you just stumbled upon it, or came through my main site (http://timquithisjob.blogspot.com) I appreciate your open mind and interest in reading some of my thoughts on Life, Religion, Politics, and the BIG Questions of the Universe. Do you ever find yourself asking why we do the things we do? What Corp America has to offer and how Big Business/Competition/Technology can both help and hinder society? Why Girls do the things they do, or why Guys can be such assholes? Continue on if so, don't take it personally, and enjoy the Freestyles, Spoken Word, Poems, and Rants!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Braindump while listening to Everyday by Carly Comando

Lessons learned along the road, feel the minor chords that just seep through your veines, makes you tingle and pulls you up…upp..which way is up? Am I getting further away, or closer to a goal? Getting further away from what I am, what Ive been, moving on, moving up, moving….What if I remain? What happened to the “if it aint broke don’t fix it?” That always helped me through life…the simple way of looking at things…try telling that to Corp America…Six Sigma, Do you have your green belt? “Kaizen”…constant and never ending improvement, so the Japanese say…that rings a bell though. So what is different from finding efficiencies, process optimization, implementing technology to cut operational cost…operational cost = labor = less people who need to be hired or people who can be fired. We try to justify by saying hey put in a self-checkout, take 4 employees off of the register and “redeploy” the labor. Redeploy…to….where? These execs see the value in cutting labor hours and cutting jobs…The ship must sail on they say! At the consequence of who? I must “protect” my stockholders stake, must do what needs to be done….stockholders stake? How bout your ass and your stock options? What happened to old mom and pops stores, having conversation with little Johnny when he comes to buy some butter for mom’s biscuits shes cooking up, catching up on old times, and new ones! But people have become time-starved…know what they want, when they want it, and would rather talk to a machine, then to Betty the Cashier. So now who do you blame? The ends justifies the means, and in this case, companies are catering to people’s wants and needs. Cant blame em…but you can. So now we see the problem, how do we change the masses…how do we tell everyone to slow down? Is it a movie, a song, a world war, a FightCLub-esque ending that will yield..a beginning? Back to the CEO (cant you see this is buggin me?) who have gained ohh such a popular acclaim recently, If not driven for the money , it must be to save face, pride….the power..the gold plated CEO on your grand ol’ oak desk, money is power…that needed power that is craved so much is emitted from the Ego..what are others going to think of me? What good am I CREATING with this so called power and will to influence others. I am higher on the totem poll than you…get me my coffee… “it’s a sign of respect, I had to do it to get where I am today”…respect? Like the respect a frat brother will give to his pledge by making him eat shit, punched in the face, dehumanized for the sake of other “more privilidged” brothers? I was in a frat, Ive seen shit go down…so respect…how is it gained? Does one have to follow in their predecessors footsteps in order to be held in the same limelight? Respect is earned…by hard work, by treating OTHERS HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED…to prove something? Proving something to yourself is one thing, but proving something for the sake of acceptance for another…is weaksauce.

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