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First off, thanks for stopping by MindMarination! Whether you just stumbled upon it, or came through my main site (http://timquithisjob.blogspot.com) I appreciate your open mind and interest in reading some of my thoughts on Life, Religion, Politics, and the BIG Questions of the Universe. Do you ever find yourself asking why we do the things we do? What Corp America has to offer and how Big Business/Competition/Technology can both help and hinder society? Why Girls do the things they do, or why Guys can be such assholes? Continue on if so, don't take it personally, and enjoy the Freestyles, Spoken Word, Poems, and Rants!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Rant - in Response/ in question to "I Get It"

I get that I might never quite get it. The purpose of life is to come to grips that nothing can be taken at face value, to question everything, to formulate your own hypothesis, not to rate it against others, but to allow different viewpoints to open up your mind, to further refine your code. The best part of this thinking, is that you are never wrong, and there is no one right way, rather your morals, your thoughts, your outlook on life is supposed to grow with you, with each experience, hence the idea of reaching enlightenment, to use reasoning to finally understand why things are the way they are. to listen harder than you speak, However, once you reach that point, say you understood every “big question”, then what? I don’t think you ever can or do…and those you do not open their mind and heart to varying ideals are stagnant, there is no longer an opportunity for holistic growth. You can explore every inch of that island and understand why the animals act the way they do, the varying tides, and never work a day in your life…but what about the other islands/landmasses? You only understand one wing of the political party, but have no idea about the others..you get what it means to be a democrat or a republican, but if you only know one, you don’t understand POLITICS. And isn’t the purpose of politics (democracy) to make decisions for the betterment of the majority of the masses? But what about the minority? Then I feel as though you cannot impose laws on people, to make them do things they might not want to or believe in, again, what makes these “laws” “right?” So if you don’t like the laws of your present country, leave, stop bitching. But is that giving up? Is the right thing to do to join politics, make a “change”, is change even possible if the majority of American’s are worried about how does this affect me instead of how does this affect my community, my brothers, the betterment of the underprivileged. Is it fair that the top3% of Americans will be getting taxed 60-70% of their income to help support the rest of the country? But again, laws, rules, and politics work together in order to prevent chaos, to protect individuals from being hurt, taken advantage of, and from being stripped of their natural rights…but what happens when my pursuit of happiness, impedes on your pursuit of happiness? Who yields? Ahhh the search for balance, the ying and yang, alpha/omega, light and dark…you need one just as you need the other…and the convergence of the two, the grey area is what we must basque in. but is being the middle, just being average? Average sounds derogatory…just …average, that is what I am striving for? Or is that my ego telling my average sounds, well, average? “Why does everything have to be so white or black with you?” Little did my mother know this is here that conversation would lead. So you might ask...if there is no “right” how can we ever make a decision…are you never going to have a stance in life? Never believe in anything? No I am not saying that, I am saying be conscious of opposing viewpoints, have some humility, and question the missing stanzas in your book of life, rather than trying to shoot down your brother’s. The purpose of life is to better understand yourself, be aware, the more you see/the more you experience, the more ideals and mindsets you have to pick and choose from. Accessorize your life…that reminds me, some chastise others for switching religions, why are there hundreds of Christian sects? I feel as thought everyone should have their own religion..down with organized religion...I feel organized religion can be looked at as the lazy way out…why do you go to church? Because my parents did….uhhh what? I like religion in the fact that it provides a framework for others to live a good life by…and that’s ausome, but DON’T TAKE IT LITERALLY! So here we start seeing where absolute truths hail from…universal law... But what happens if you are totally content with your life, want to be the CEO of a company, do business morally…are you doing it for your ego or because you genuinely love work…is that bad? What would happen if there weren’t producers…competition, mcdonalds cashier….basketball players, if this truly makes you happy, that’s fine right? But then you must just strive to be a better person, does everyone have to go out of their way to help others? Is it “bad” if I like to get a limo to cruise downtown and spend 15 dollars on a jagerbomb? Purpse…then the pursose of life..is to have a purpose? You cannot strike down those who do enjoy money, thrive in the capitalistic nature of the US, this is what they are taught, what they know (or think they do). Believe what you want, as long as you do not follow that thought blindly. What about the blue collar farmer, who has no tv, no nice car, no nights out on the town…and is happy as can be? His purpose to work his farm, his land, his lifesource the best he can…and as long as the crops keep coming, he is content…or is he? If everyone constantly quit their job every year, to keep searching for the switch to turn on their lifelight, the economy would fail, there wouldn’t be professionals (doctors/lawyers)…and these are the wheels that keep our perceived daily lives on track. And what about those who want to be a lawyer, love law, be the best lawyer they can be, what if they are defendants for mass murderers…yes everyone deserves a chance, but is this person “doing good”? Shouldn’t one be allowed to have two houses, send their kids to private school, and drive a nice car? Is that being pigheaded or ignorant? Provide for their family and give them the “best” life possible? A doctor is just as important as a trash man, as long as you are happy with what you are doing. Is the farmer living “better” than the lawyer? To whose standards? What is a standard? Whose standard is better? Whichever one the common majority “tells” us is better? I don’t get it…but I get it.

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